OER Collective & Australasian OEP SIG present: Building Advocacy Capacity for OER

Friday, 11 April 2025 - 11:00am (AEST)

Join the CAUL OER Collective and the ASCILITE Australasian Open Educational Practice Special Interest Group (OEP SIG) for our first ever co-hosted event! We are so excited about this speaker that we are bringing together our communities to ensure everyone gets the chance to attend.

SPARC's incredible Open Education Program Manager, Hailey Babb, is lending her time and expertise to deliver a bespoke interactive session on building advocacy capacity for OER in Australasia.

Since its inception, the open education movement has spread worldwide and recruited countless advocates to its cause. In order to ensure this progress can continue, it is critical that advocates are equipped with the skills they need to drive forward open education initiatives in their local context. This session will equip attendees with foundational advocacy skills that can be used to drive change at their institutions and beyond. Attendees will learn how to "think like an advocate", including how to frame problems, set goals, develop strategies, and pitch solutions.

Attendees of this session will be able to:

  • Use problem and solution frameworks to set advocacy goals.
  • Assess stakeholders and understand their motivations with respect to an issue.
  • Analyse decision-making processes and develop strategies to influence decision-makers.
  • Effectively pitch an “ask” to decision-makers and respond to challenging questions.
  • Start an advocacy plan on an issue of importance to capacity building efforts in their local context.

Register now to secure your spot in this interactive learning event! #OERCollective #OEPSIG


Author Grace Daw
Last modified 19 March 2025