CAUL expands horizons: Council of Australian University Librarians becomes Council of Australasian University Librarians

7 January 2025
9 December 2024

CAUL is seeking to appoint a highly motivated and enthusiastic individual to the position of Content Procurement Specialist in the CAUL Office. As CAUL operates a connected virtual office, this presents a great opportunity to work from home within Australia or Aotearoa New Zealand and to work flexibly across the week. The ideal candidate will enjoy variety, be digitally dexterous, able to operate in a fast paced environment and importantly, will be respectful of the CAUL Values.

CAUL and John Benjamins Publishing Company new Open Access Agreement

16 April 2024

The Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and John Benjamins Publishing Company have entered a new open access agreement for 2024. This agreement allows authors at participating CAUL member institutions to publish open access in John Benjamins journals without the need to pay individual article processing charges.

The Australian Universities Accord

6 March 2024

The Albanese Government released the Australian Universities Accord Final Report on 25 February. Promising an ambitious reform of the higher education sector, the report provides 47 recommendations with the aim of increasing the tertiary attainment rate from 60 percent to 80 percent by 2050 with an emphasis on making the higher education system more equitable.

CAUL welcomes the Accord’s aims, and will be providing a response to the Report and how CAUL can support these initiatives. 

You can read CAUL’s Response to the Universities Accord Discussion Paper which addresses the role of university libraries in supporting the Accord’s aims, the potential for Open Educational Resources to reduce the cost of study, the role of open science to solve big challenges, and a commitment to lifelong learning.

CAUL is hiring – Content Procurement Specialist

30 January 2024

The Content Procurement Specialist is a new role in the CAUL National Office designed to provide support to the highly regarded CAUL Procurement Service. If you are inspired to enhance value to the CAUL membership, work with a diverse range of stakeholders across Australia and the world, and enjoy variety in a fast paced environment, consider bringing your enthusiasm and expertise to CAUL. Work flexibly from anywhere in Australia with a dedicated and high performing team.

Job advertisement, Position Description and application instructions attached.

CAUL has collaborated with IARLA members ARL, CARL, LIBER and RLUK to produce the International Principles for Research Libraries on a Safe and Open Internet

14 December 2023

As libraries try to navigate legislative and regulatory proposals globally, International Alliance of Research Libraries Association (IARLA) members stand behind the Principles which will guide each IARLA member’s position and advocacy on internet speech and functions.

The Principles are available on the IARLA website.

CAUL's new Open Access Agreement with ACM

26 October 2023

Association for Computer Machinery and Council of Australian University Librarians sign agreement to support transition to open access publishing for Australia and New Zealand researchers.

CAUL is delighted to be entering into a truly transformative new Open Access (OA) agreement with ACM.  Commencing in 2024, the agreement enables researchers from affiliated CAUL institutions to publish without incurring individual article processing charges (APCs). This arrangement, facilitated by university libraries, benefits institutions regardless of their publishing volume.  

CAUL and APA new Open Access Agreement

24 October 2023

Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and American Psychological Associaton announce a new Open Access agreement commencing in 2024

Council of Australian University Librarians and Open Access Australasia Statement on the American Chemical Society’s new Article Development Charges

9 October 2023

The Council of Australian University Librarians (CAUL) and Open Access Australasia wish to express our joint concerns over the recent introduction of the Article Development Charge (ADC) model by the American Chemical Society (ACS). 

CAUL Members and others across the Australian scholarly community have expressed many concerns about this development in recent days, which are reflected in this statement.  CAUL urges ACS to reconsider this model, taking into account the broader implications for the academic community, especially those concerning open access, transparency, and equity, and to support broader efforts to ensure authors retain rights – at no cost – over their accepted manuscripts.

Inquiry into the use of generative artificial intelligence in the Australian education system

25 September 2023

A joint submission from library and information service-related organisations to the Safe and Responsible AI in Australia Discussion Paper.

View the submission (pdf).

Academy of Social Sciences Research Infrastructure Decadal Plan submission

31 August 2023

A joint submission from CAUL, NSLA, ALIA, ASA, and CAARA on the Academy of Social Sciences Decadal Plan for Social Science Research Infrastructure 2023-32

View the submission (pdf)

CAUL Response to the Consultation for Sexual Harm Good Practice Note

13 July 2023
