OEGlobal Conference registration scholarship competition

The CAUL Open Educational Resources Collective (OER Collective) and OEGlobal have partnered to provide three conference registration scholarships for the OEGlobal24 Conference.

Library staff from CAUL OER Collective participating institutions are eligible to enter the draw to receive one of these scholarships. Participants can enter by submitting regionally relevant resources to the OER Commons following the submission guidelines, thus generating a hub of localised discoverable OER for the community. 

This scholarship:

  • supports the professional development of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand open education practitioners
  • encourages Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand open scholarship
  • enhances the discoverability of Australian and Aotearoa New Zealand OER
  • promotes the sharing of OER to ensure our community is both contributing to as well as benefiting from the Commons
  • facilitates report-back from the OEGlobal Conference to the broader OER Collective Community of Practice.

Recipients of the scholarships will report back on the Conference at the December 2024 OER Collective Community of Practice. 


The competition is open to all library staff at 2024 CAUL OER Collective participating institutions. 

Submission guidelines

1. Submit one new resource to the OER Commons 

Types of resources

The resource can be any kind of OER that is relevant to our region, including, but not limited to: 

  • material that supports OER advocacy, adoption, and publishing processes (e.g. MOU templates, chapter templates, peer review guides, evaluation rubrics, etc.)
  • open textbooks
  • multimedia and interactive material (e.g. videos, quizzes, H5P content, audiobooks, etc.)
  • ancillary teaching materials.

How to add a resource

  1. Submit a link to the original resource (do not upload a copy).
  2. Apply the following tags (keywords) to the resource in the OER Commons items record to enhance discoverability:

    • If Australia: “Australia” and “Australasia”
    • If Aotearoa New Zealand: “New Zealand” and “Australasia”
    • Other subject tags as relevant
  3. Include a short description in the OER Commons item record
  4. Include a resource thumbnail image in the OER Commons item record.

For help, read this guide about submitting OER to the OER Commons.

Ensure you meet the following competition submission criteria

Your submission must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be formally affiliated with the work in some way (e.g. author, editor, supporting librarian, etc.)
  • The work must be a new submission to the OER Commons
  • The work must meet the OER Commons submission criteria
  • You must include the tags indicated above
  • The work must be appropriately described and include a thumbnail.

2. Complete the entry form

Complete the entry form, including a link to the resource in the OER Commons.

One entry form must be completed per submission. Individuals may make up to five submissions (ie one person can be in the drawer five times).

Submissions close 5pm AEST Friday 13 September.

How scholarship winners are drawn

At the conclusion of the submission period, scholarship winners will be drawn by the CAUL National Office using a random number generator. 

Scholarship winners will be notified via email.

Terms and conditions

  • Entrants must be a library staff member of a 2024 CAUL OER Collective participating institutions
  • Entries must adhere to the submission guidelines, including the competition submission criteria and the OER Commons submission criteria. 
  • To be awarded the prize, the recipient must agree to present OEGlobal24 conference learnings at the December 2024 CAUL OER Collective Community of Practice session.
  • CAUL cannot reimburse winners for registrations that have already been paid for. The winner must be registered by CAUL National Office.
  • The scholarship covers the OEGlobal Conference registration fee only. The individual or their institution must fund all other costs associated with attendance. 
  • Registrations are not transferrable and winners must confirm they will be able to attend before the scholarship is awarded..
  • Individuals may make up to five submissions. 
Author Kate Davis
Last modified 28 August 2024