CAUL Member Prospectus
CAUL Member Prospectus
Last update: January 2025
The Council of Australasian University Librarians (CAUL) is the peak leadership organisation for university libraries in Oceania. The Council members are the University Librarians or equivalent of Australasian and Oceania institutions recognised as universities by their respective governments.
This Prospectus sets out the framework for value generation by CAUL and details the benefits of membership and CAUL’s expectations of members. Through an annual “Year in Review”, CAUL reports on specific achievements that demonstrates actual value to members for the preceding year and with a particular focus on outcomes of services, engagement, advocacy and strategic programs pertinent to that year.
CAUL makes a significant contribution to higher education strategy, policy and outcomes through a commitment to a shared purpose: To transform how people experience knowledge – how it can be discovered, used and shared. CAUL’s vision is that society is transformed through the power of research, teaching and learning. University libraries are essential knowledge and information infrastructures that enable student achievement and research excellence.
CAUL has a national and international perspective on issues relevant to university libraries and at its heart, the mission of CAUL is to enhance the value and capacity of Oceania university libraries. CAUL provides a supportive, collegial forum for members to enquire, inform, discuss, share, collaborate and learn as they operate and manage Oceania university libraries.
The value and benefits that CAUL provides to members stem from the achievement of eight goals that CAUL pursues on behalf of members:
- Position university libraries as essential infrastructure for teaching, learning and research in their institutions.
- Advance open and equitable access to knowledge, information and data.
- Be a recognised authority on the purpose, value and impact of university libraries in higher education and research.
- Foster cooperative activity between Australasian and Oceania university libraries and internationally for the benefit of their students, teachers and researchers.
- Represent the interests of its members to government, the community and other stakeholders;
- Promote members’ views and values in national and international discourse on relevant issues and public policy developments.
- Facilitate the sharing of best practice, information and innovation among its members.
- Foster leadership and professional growth of current and future leaders in university libraries.
The value that CAUL generates for its members broadly falls into four categories:
A. Sector-level services
B. Knowledge, sharing and collaboration
C. Strategic program outcomes
D. Engagement, advocacy and public policy outcomes
A. Sector-level Services
The sector-level services that CAUL provides to members on an ongoing basis are:
- Analytics Service
- Content Procurement Service
- Professional Learning Service
- ULANZ Borrowing Scheme
Analytics Service
The CAUL Analytics Service focuses on collecting and presenting data from university libraries in Australia and New Zealand. The data is used for cross-institutional benchmarking, decision-making, evaluation, facilitating the demonstration of value and impact, and advocacy within and across institutions. It also enables the provision of sector-level aggregate data for the profiling of ANZ academic libraries.
Services provided include:
- Annual CAUL statistics collection service
- Provision of CAUL statistics interactive platform
- Sector-wide trends analysis and reports
- Sector-wide surveys and reports
Content Procurement Services
CAUL’s Content Procurement Services centre around the operations of the CAUL Consortium providing skilled negotiation for sector-wide agreements for the procurement of scholarly content and services, including open access publishing.
The efforts of the CAUL Consortium are focused on improved value for money, through economies of scale and greater leverage in the scholarly content marketplace, enabling influence on the development of products and platforms and the transition to open access. The Consortium negotiates agreements aligned with strategic initiatives on behalf of member institutions to secure optimal acquisition of scholarly content, using the best possible pricing models, with the most favourable terms for members, and to deliver significant benefits of cost avoidance, thus ultimately saving Consortium Members both time and money. The Content Procurement Service provides centralised vendor invoicing and management of open access agreements for all Consortium members.
Although the CAUL Consortium is the primary vehicle through which the CAUL Content Procurement Service operates, the Consortium may also be used as appropriate, from time to time, for the procurement of non-content services/products. This includes products providing access to content or analysis of content; any products/services that meet the needs of Consortium members and for which procurement will produce a better outcome for members. The Consortium also facilitates financial support for services that provide infrastructure to Consortium members for open access to scholarly content.
Professional Learning Service
CAUL provides specific, contextualised professional development opportunities, events, activities, and communities of practice that are focused on developing skills and practice for university librarians and information professionals. These include:
- Online training events
- Seminars, forums and community days
- Presentations at Council meetings
- Participation in the CAUDIT Leadership Institute
- Open Educational Resources Professional Development Program
- Learning from Bold Minds in Leadership Webinar Series
CAUL also recognises professional achievement through the annual CAUL Awards.
ULANZ Borrowing Scheme
ULANZ is a Library borrowing scheme that allows staff and students of Australian and New Zealand universities to borrow in person from any other participating university library. The scheme is a cooperative arrangement between CAUL and CONZUL and benefits members in terms of enabling student achievement.
B. Knowledge, Sharing and Collaboration
CAUL members benefit from sharing knowledge and fostering collaboration through communities of practice, communication and collaborations that focus on leading and innovative models and resources for the advancement of university libraries.
Council Meetings
The biannual council meetings, one online, one in person, provide a unique opportunity for members to network with colleagues, contribute professionally, and hear from leading national and international speakers on a range of topics critical to the industry and sector. There is also ample opportunity to become involved in the thematic programs and key projects facilitated by CAUL.
This is supplemented by the ongoing sharing of information and collegial exchange via the CAUL Members’ email list.
Communities of Practice
- Australian Scholarly Communications Community of Practice
- Deputy University Librarians Network
- Collections Analysis Community of Practice
- Learning and Teaching Leaders Community of Practice
- User Experience Community of Practice
- Value & Impact Community of Practice
- Transformative Agreements Implementation Community of Practice
- Content Community
- Statistics Community
CAUL Newsletter
The CAUL Newsletter keeps members informed of the strategic activities of CAUL as well as those of other sector-related organisations including a wide range of professional development and other events. The monthly Newsletter plays a key role in promoting CAUL and its work more generally, with an open subscriber base. Jobs in the academic library sector are also promoted here.
C. Strategic Enabling Programs
CAUL reviews its strategic priorities and goals annually and determines strategic themes and associated programs with appropriate initiatives and projects to achieve the goals.
The aim of the strategic programs is to advance solutions for critical challenges facing university libraries as articulated in the CAUL Strategy 2023 - 2025 (pdf).
For 2023-2025 the strategic enabling programs are:
- Open Access
- Open Educational Resources
- From Decolonisation to Indigenisation*
* From Decolonisation to Indigenisation is a working title for the program.
D. Engagement, Advocacy and Public policy outcomes
CAUL purposefully engages with a range of sectoral stakeholders to achieve specific outcomes and advocates to achieve changes including changes to policy impacting higher education, research and libraries. CAUL focuses on:
- Advancing public policy discourse through submissions, policy statements and position papers
- Advocacy and promotion of Australian university libraries, and their enablement of student achievement and research excellence
- Representation of Council's views and interests to government, regulators and other key stakeholders
- Establishing and fostering collaborations with allied organisations within Australia and internationally
In addition to membership of IARLA (International Alliance of Research Library Associations) and ICOLC (International Coalition of Library Consortia), on behalf of members, CAUL has paid institutional membership of the following to further advocacy and public policy outcomes:
- SPARC – Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition
- COUNTER (Standard for counting use of digital content resources)
- ALACC – Australian Libraries and Archives Copyright Committee
CAUL partners and works closely with other sector-related organisations and stakeholders as detailed in the CAUL Engagement Strategy and Stakeholder Engagement Framework (pdf).
CAUL Council Membership
Benefits of Council Membership:
As detailed above, CAUL provides a range of services and benefits for Council Members and specific achievements demonstrating value are reported annually. Membership of CAUL automatically implies participation in the CAUL Consortium as detailed below.
Full membership of CAUL is open to the University Librarian or equivalent of Australasian and Oceania institutions recognised as universities by their respective governments.
Expectations of Council Members:
To ensure that CAUL functions optimally in the best interests of all members, Council Members are expected to:
- Attend the Annual General Meeting (AGM) of the incorporated association or assign a proxy to attend
- Attend biannual Council Meetings each year or assign a delegate to attend
- Actively contribute to and participate in strategic programs and events
- Share and collaborate with fellow members for the betterment of the academic library sector
- Maintain confidentiality of corporate information about CAUL’s finances, governance and risk management obtained after logging in to the CAUL website. This includes meeting papers and reports marked “Confidential”
- Participate in the annual collection of sector-wide statistics
- Pay CAUL invoices for annual membership fees, consortium levies, ALACC levies and events within the specified timeframe on invoices
CAUL Consortium Participation
Consortium Participation Categories
- CAUL Council Consortium Participants (CAUL Council Members)
- Non-council Consortium Participants (entities external to CAUL such as government agencies and departments).
Consortium Participation provides the following benefits:
The benefits of CAUL Consortium participation are detailed in the description of Content Procurement Services above. Approximately half of all sector wide university expenditure on scholarly content is procured through the CAUL Consortium with significant cost avoidance and price increase avoidance achieved through consortial negotiations. The processing of procurement transactions through CAUL provides significant human resource savings for members, as does the consortium-level management of open access agreements.
Expectations of Consortium Participants:
To ensure that CAUL functions optimally for the benefit of all, participants are expected to:
- Authorise the CAUL Director of Content Procurement, supported by the CAUL Content Procurement Committee, to negotiate sector-wide content procurement agreements on their behalf
- Ensure the designated Content Coordinator is authorised to act on behalf of the institution
- Provide content usage reports to CAUL and permit CAUL to access content usage reports directly from publishers or via JUSP, or other usage data harvesting tools
- Permit CAUL to obtain open access sales data and other publishing data from publishers and content vendors, or through open access data harvesting tools
- Maintain appropriate access to ConsortiaManager for institutional staff and ensuring termination of access of staff who have left the employ of the institution or changed roles within the institution
- Adhere to timeframes provided by CAUL for accepting or rejecting consortium offers in ConsortiaManager and respond to requests for information in accordance with timelines
- Pay CAUL invoices for content subscriptions within timeframes specified on invoices
- Pay CAUL content subscription invoices into the correct currency account as stipulated on each invoice (e.g. AUD, EUR, GBP, USD)
- Pay GST on AUD content subscriptions as invoiced (CAUL does not collect GST on these transactions, it simply allows for a flowthrough of the GST to the content vendors)
- Notify CAUL of any customised changes to licence terms and conditions negotiated at an institutional level for sector-wide agreements that permit such changes (i.e. excluding “all-in” agreements)
- Ensure Contracts and Licence Terms and Conditions are reviewed, signed and countersigned by the appropriate authorities and that the institution retains a current, countersigned copy at all times
- Ensure institutional staff do not represent the CAUL Consortium to vendors or others without express agreement of CAUL
- Ensure institutional staff do not disclose details of CAUL agreements to vendors or others
- Ensure institutional staff participating in the Content Community use the email list appropriately
- Abide by the "Competition Guidelines relating to negotiations with publishers" issued by CAUL in line with legal advice