Digital Dexterity Capacity Building


This project will provide resources that will assist CAUL members to improve their capacity in Digital Dexterity.


  1. Providing training materials and tools from third party groups such as JISC
  2. Developing and providing ready access to training programs and tools in partnership with other organisations such as AARNet and AURIN


A Digital Dexterity Community of Practice was launched in partnership with CAVAL to start building capacity withing the wider community.


PDF icon Digital Dexterity Champions Overview (PDF, 3/4/2019) (pdf, 519.88 KB, last modified 26/03/2019)
PDF icon Digital Dexterity Champion Position Description (PDF, 3/4/2019) (PDF, 540.62 KB, last modified 26/03/2019)


Executive Director Library Services at Western Sydney University
Learning Coordinator, Curtin Library at Curtin University
Team Leader, Information Literacy/ Arts and Social Sciences Team at University of Technology Sydney
Author Anonymous
Last modified 17 March 2020