Digital Dexterity 2017-2019
Program director
Carmel O'Sullivan
Related topics
Collections, Digital Literacy, Learning and Teaching
Digital Dexterity is important for success in education, in the workforce and in life. It includes digital and information literacy, but also encompasses a range of capabilities including ICT proficiency, digital learning and creation, digital collaboration, media and data literacy, and digital identity. Universities and their libraries are ideally placed to equip Australians and New Zealanders with the skills and higher-order knowledge required to thrive in an increasingly digital world.
CAUL’s Digital Dexterity program developed a range of resources to encourage digital dexterity:
- A position statement on digital dexterity outlining principles and goals.
- A Digital Dexterity Framework for library professional setting out the capabilities which make up digital dexterity.
- A champions network which include a champion within each member university library who can work within a community of practice to develop skills, share resources and provide feedback to other champions.
- See the Champions Framework (PDF) and Role Description (PDF)
- An Advocacy Toolkit that provides a structured way to approach advocating for and engaging with conversations about digital dexterity at an institution.
- A Digital Dexterity Community of Practice.