CAUL FTE Data and Bands

This information about CAUL FTE data and bands including weighted FTEs and FTEs for disciplines is available to both Content Coordinators and Consortium Vendors. The total FTE figures include domestic students, overseas students onshore and overseas students offshore. All students counted in the FTE figures should be authorised users of subscribed scholarly content for licence purposes, regardless of where they are located or from where they access the content.

  • Official FTE figures are sourced annually from the Australian Government Department of Education and the New Zealand Ministry of Education.
  • The official figures for the previous calendar year are usually only available towards the end of each year and hence the figures used for an upcoming subscription year are always two years old. For example: the 2022 FTEs are the most recent official FTE figures that will be used for negotiations and pricing during 2024, for the upcoming 2025 subscription year.
  • The latest FTEs are updated for all CAUL Consortium Member institutions in ConsortiaManager and on the CAUL website.
  • The CAUL Basic FTE Bands listed below are based on the total FTE for each institution.
  • FTEs at the narrow discipline, broad discipline or course level are provided to inform pricing models for discipline-specific content. These data for Australia and New Zealand are availbale for download.

When determining pricing and using FTEs, all Consortium Vendors are obliged to use the CAUL Bands (not their own bands) and adhere to the CAUL Consortium’s Principles & Framework for Pricing Digital Content.

Author Arthur Smith
Last modified 24 May 2024